Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dogs on Thursday

I chose this photo of my little girl, HoneyBelle, giving her big slug of a brother the what-for. Look at her little ears flying. She is going to be a lot of fun. I visited with our local basset rescue on Saturday and told them I should be ready to foster one after she gets finishes all her rounds of puppy shots. I have fostered bassets over 10 years ago, adopting one of my fosters. They make my life whole.

1 comment:

Tina. said...

Oh my she is growing and what a tuffy! The pups are all beautiful! Thats cool you have a basset rescue near you too! Do you have anytype of get together like we do at the Droopy Rescue? Ours is called slobberfest! Last year there had to be close to 200 bassets there.